Numbers are all up ins…

My brain is swirling from an entire afternoon of processing appointment reports for work. An art major is not made to deal with this many numbers in one fell swoop. It’s almost enough to make you speak in l33t…or worse! Except not because I hate it when people do that. Hard.

Is it wrong that I was getting lots of enjoyment out of typing “End Time” over and over just a few minutes ago? Because I was.

I told Nate to clean up the Foreman grill last night after he used it to cook chicken. My reasoning was that Clyde would make an utter mess of the kitchen over night if it was left out. Nate’s solution: hide the grill, still filthy, in the oven. Could my real family please stand up?

Pay day is tomorrow…I’ve been waiting on this check since before Xmas. Things were starting to reach a Clark Griswold pitch over here.
