Bloc Party’s “I Still Remember” video is out…

…and it’s actually really good. I definitely agree with most reviewers that it’s not my favourite track on the album (thanks for reminding me it’s available, Dusty!) but the video is a lot of fun. Plus, it’s a happy song and sometimes you need that after a day of making charts of unique client appointments. Trust me on that one…

Le video.

Also out is Kele, the lead singer. And the song is apparently his exploration of his own sexuality and such and such. Overall, not something to get particularly excited about. However, in reading some of the press about the album, the song, his step out of clositude and the band, I did find this disturbing excerpt:

“One of the gay-themed songs on the album, “For England”, is an exploration of bullying which also touches on the death of gay barman David Morley and the sick phenomenon of “Happy Slapping” in which violent acts are captured on camera for sport. Morley’s killers fatally beat him and captured it all on their cell phones. Said Okereke: “The whole idea of happy slapping … Filming you causing pain to someone, for your own amusement – that really repulsed me. That song is about the fear I have about what could happen on a night out. I have the feeling that it’s only a matter of time.”

I demand to live in a world where musical genius is not threatened by fuckwads that bolster their macho egos by beating and killing. Can you seriously imagine being the lead singer of a fantastic band and AT THE SAME TIME worried that each night you spend out celebrating your success could end in your own tragic attack? Gah.

Comments (6)

  1. Nick (Bourgeois)

    Is it just that Sonya thinks every clearly not-straight front man is straight?

    *cough*Davey Havok’s full face of makeup, glitter and hair*cough*

    Kele came out to the Guardian. It’s about halfway through this article.