Daily Archives

6 January 2007

While watching BBC tonight…

I noticed that three actors I’ve enjoyed greatly in some favourite movies are now in television roles. Martin Freeman, Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy‘s Arthur Dent, stars alongside Peter Serafinowicz in a relatively humorous show called Hardware. You may remember Mr. Serafinowicz from Shaun of the Dead where he played Pete, the crabby roommate of Shaun, Simon Pegg. Simon’s going to be in Tuesday night’s episode of Doctor Who.

So, there you have it: three ugly guys on TV. And a lot of italics. I hope you feel like you’ve been given something valuable in this post.

Update (like two minutes later): I realized that Bill Nighy was in both films as Slartibartfast and Philip, respectively. He rules. That’s all I’ve got.