Daily Archives

26 January 2007

It’s seriously too cold…

9º? Are you for reals? I guess this is what happens when Ma Nature is drunk on warmth over Xmas…she makes us all suffer through one HELL of a hangover in the New Year. “Please stop, mom. You’re hurting us!” I call for an intervention. Someone invite her over for dinner…we can use my place. Call up all her friends, even the enablers (I’m looking at you, North Wind.)

So, yeah. Hello, internet. I feel like I’ve been neglecting you lately. I didn’t really mean it…I’ve been very busy with reports at work and other mind-numbing tasks. It’s just that when I get home, the last thing I want to do is be near my computer. Is there any way I can visit you in a more relaxed and sofa-connected way? Perhaps without a keyboard? Get back to me on that. You know my email address.

Hmm. I think the cold has gotten to my brain. I’m going to thaw and maybe I’ll try again this weekend. I’ll probably have photos of my mom’s puppy to share.