MC 101 Wrap Up: Beaver


Today marked the first of my second set of Media Commons 101 sessions.  It was great revisiting the presentation materials after a month off from it and I found that I left the session just as enthusiastic as when the slides were brand new.  And so were the attendees.  Despite the 9:00 am start time – and FTCAP pulling many registered folks away – everyone was in good spirits and excited to talk about media project possibilities for their Spring courses.  


Eyes lit up at the same mentions as other MC 101 sessions: One Button Studio, Mobile Media Pilot and EGC’s gamification. It’s my expectation to have requests for the first immediately, proposals for the second by mid-semester and questions about the third very soon.
Evaluations have gone out (as of five minutes from now) and results will be posted when available.\

Update:  Evaluation


Not that this particular chart requires and overabundance of explanation, but all 4 respondents out of the 8 participants thought that the MC 101 overview (the meat of the presentation) was Excellent.

Respondents found that the overall MC 101 agenda was both Relevant and Interesting to them professionally, scoring 3 Strongly Agree to 1 Agree for each question.


No low marks were given for any of the particular aspects of the event, though Venue received a higher number of Good scores than anything else.  Since FTCAP was taking place on campus, MC 101 was relegated to the Seminar room in the Library, an older presentation space with a fading projector and more space than necessary for the small group.  The responses in this particular column are understandable and everyone was in a jovial mood about being in the “Library cellar.”

More important than the good marks for me has been two direct faculty contacts inquiring about future project work for later in the Fall or during the Spring 2012 semester.  Since Beaver had involved me with no projects up until this point, it’s a very exciting outcome – and exactly what we aimed to accomplish by getting to the campuses with this programming.

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