Daily Archives

23 August 2011

The saga continues

The mixing of my email (emailnick) with those of other Nicks expands to the UK where a second email.nick has been losing messages to my inbox courtesy of Google.

See missive to Nick Burgess and his sister after receiving a scanned copy of his birth certificate:


I’m not sure how to say this, but I think Google is somehow mixing our mail.  You see, I’m emailnick@gmail.com  and I’ve been receiving emails for email.nick@gmail.com  – mostly from Jessops.com  following an order confirmation from there sometime last year.  It’s not the first time this has happened to me, either:


I haven’t got a clue as to what it is that Google might be getting wrong to confuse our email (and I hope it’s not a two way street – my apologies if you are getting my messages, too).  Just thought you might want to be aware.



I almost immediately got a reply – as tends to happen when one sends a birth certificate and it ends up in the wrong hands by accident:

Thank you for your honesty I will let my brother know

Sent using BlackBerry® from Orange

I couldn’t make this up if I tried.  Now, how exactly does one get in touch with Google about their email?  I’d really prefer that my inbox not be eating the mail of every other Nick in the world.