Daily Archives

31 August 2011

My thoughts exactly

“Cars are the biggest – and most abundant – set of sculptures that we have in contact every day in our lives.  Although they’re reproduced by machines and they’re computer milled stamps that make them, actually every one of them was originally carved by hand by men and women using techniques not a whole lot different than Michaelangelo.” – Chris Bangle, former Design Director of BMW

And that is precisely why I am so hooked on cars, neurotic about my cars and hopelessly devoted to the cult of cars. (Caught this in Objectified, a documentary on industrial design that is speaking directly to my soul.)

Childhood addiction

A conversation with Lauren today reminded me how hooked on Tetris I was as a younger version of myself.  Not just the NES version (those damned penguins near the end) but also this really beautiful Apple IIGS iteration that I played non-stop.

Beautiful Data


“[…] data visualization brings a sense of wonder and humanity back to statistical analysis.

Maximum PC has a fun feature on the presentation of data in unexpected – and often arrestingly beautiful – ways.  Above, you see the representation of “Familiar Feelings” by Moloko as a fiery twist of information about the song’s construction as compiled by Matthias Dittrich.  The appeal is immediately apparent, especially to anyone who has lost five minutes by staring into the iTunes Visualizer while a favorite track plays.  While the article is nothing too profound, the gallery is a nice dose of pretty for a Wednesday.