Moving on up…

…to the “Hilltop” of Chestertown, if you will. Kate, Doug and I made a massive push to get everything redundant, unwanted or otherwise unworthy into storage this weekend, marking the official beginning of the 2009 move. I was exhausted by the end of Saturday, but pleasantly surprised by how much the three of us accomplished. Kate watched me run around like a total nutcase on Sunday, as I attempted to find a place for everything that had suddenly materialized. (On this, I think I was successful.)

So, Monday the 15th is the BIG stuff. Owen is going to take off work with us and we’re going to load up a U-Haul and be done with everything. Hopefully before the temperature reaches the customary mid-June 400º. I’m praying that my landlady continues her complete disregard for the fact that I’m moving out/haven’t paid rent for June. If I could save $425 for two weeks, I’d be thrilled.

Wish me luck. Photos to follow, rest assured.

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