Daily Archives

24 June 2009

Watch: “Kids” by MGMT

I totally overdid the chore-ing tonight and fell asleep on the couch around 11 while watching Monster Quest. Yeah, grandpa is lame. In any case, I’ve decided that I’d rather make a new mix instead of reviewing an album, so I’ll post that up tomorrow. In the meantime, enjoy this triptastic video for “Kids” by MGMT.

Kids – Mgmt “Official video” from Bulch on Vimeo.

(How was there not already a video for this – it’s been played to fucking death!)

What to write about?

I don’t really have anything interesting, witty or clever right now. It’s been orientation time for new students here at work and I had to play fill in Apple rep since Apple just didn’t feel like coming to our Tech Fair yesterday. Important realization: I could never sell computers for a living. Being charismatic and concerned for that many hours was exhausting.

I’m hoping to post an album review up this evening. We’ll see how motivated I am in a few hours.