On puppies and such…

So I went home this weekend. I think this was the weekend when I realized that going home is more annoying than just sitting in my apartment alone. Not that this realization hasn’t been on its way: taking the cat and all of his accessories or packing for Xmas has given me a taste of how obnoxious this is in the past. However, this time was particularly awful. I had to get my shit together in PLASTIC BAGS because we took Nate’s truck. On top of this, Nate insisted upon not putting some things in the bed, so I was not able to move for two hours. There and back. While holding stuff on my lap. There is barely a radio in his Tacoma, more like headphones stuck to the door and turned up loud. Plus, Nate has a way of making you feel more rushed than ever in your life…we had to leave as early as possible on Friday, no time to even have a snack in the apartment (and talking him into stopping at all was a challenge) and then he just up and decided that 7 was the magic time for leaving yesterday evening. Go!

Aside from the drive, my house is a disaster. My mom has partitioned off the entire living room so her dog cannot get to the carpeted sections. This means stepping over at least one piece of furniture to get in. On top of that, the areas that are dog-approved are FILLED with toys – squeaky birds and fluffy dinosaurs everywhere. You cannot leave Bailey alone at all, apparently…someone must watch her at all times. And she has to go out like 15 times a day, if not more. No exaggeration. Plus, I think the most irritating part is that it’s ALL my mom talks about. How many times she pooped, where she peed, when she got a bath, blah, blah, blah.

On risk of sounding like a jealous older brother, I’m SICK of dogs. I just want my family back. I mean, I made a fucking trek across the state to see them for the weekend and they really just wanted to play with their puppy.

Cute as she is, it was too soon for her to be adopted. My family is so not over Ebby dying and is using this new dog as a way to make right whatever shortcomings and guilt they carry from their time with the last dog.

Comments (2)

  1. Sonya

    sounds like my mom and her computer.
    she is completely addicted to text twist.

    don’t feel too awful.