Dirty secret

I have to admit that I’ve got a secret: most of the music I’ve recommended, loved or listened to in the last few years has found its origins from one music video blog, Cliptip. However, Since April, Cliptip has been more or less on hiatus as its author traveled the world and generally, it would seemed, lived a more fabulous life than any of us could hope to have done. I felt cold, alone and abandoned with Cliptip’s updates.

Where else could I find amazing music videos? And not just that, but amazing music videos that are also high quality?

So many blogs seem to focus on getting the newest artist out as quickly as possible (and rely on the crappiest video quality possible to do it.) Cliptip not only finds great new music but also the absolute best quality available. In its previous incarnation, Cliptip relied on QuickTime where possible but it seems that we’ve now gone for the speed and ease of using Vimeo. While I will miss the ability to download my favorites, at least we are back up and running. Look for a link in the right sidebar (I love it that much.)

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