The French to ban undisclosed Photoshop-in’

But how will we ever buy products if we can see pores, veins, the natural color of teeth or – heaven forbid – stretch marks?!

According to Gizmodo, the French parliament is considering passing a mandate that would require all advertisers to notify the public whenever an ad has been through the Photoshop perfection engine. The penalty? Fines as high as half the cost of the ad campaign.

Part of me loves this. And part of me loves Mark Wilson’s quote at the end of the article:

“[…] the skeptic in us might see this as the lame excuse of someone not committed enough to rigorous cosmetic surgery.”

Will it only apply to skillful Photoshop work? Because sometimes, it’s damned obvious.

Comments (2)

  1. Jayme

    Perhaps what we need is a “mirror” that photoshops us so we can look at the photoshopped ads and think it looks just like us.