Daily Archives

22 September 2009

Best album I forgot I had: Pet Grief by The Radio Dept

Sometimes I open iTunes and scroll through my music library without really knowing what I’m doing or looking for. This past Saturday morning was one of these times and I’m glad it was because I landed myself on a real gem that I forgot I even had lying around: Pet Grief by The Radio Dept.

This 2006 album is an absolute ideal compliment to making pancakes after sleeping in. Or reading a magazine after all the chores are checked off for the day. Or taking a long drive with the leaves falling and the roof open (as I hope to do in a few days.) Essentially, it’s a relaxed weekend bordering on contented boredom in musical form.

A few of the bands’ tracks were on the Marie Antoinette soundtrack. I needn’t say more.

So, now is the time when I pick my favorite tracks and provide you with a small army of links: “It’s Personal,” “Pet Grief,” “The Worst Taste in Music” and “Always a Relief.”

As you can hear, it’s a little like merging Air and New Order. Kind of a perfect combination in my book.

And the Wikipedias tell me that 2009 will see a new release as well. Hooray for accidental rediscovery!