Gag me. Now.

The fact that Ted Nugent has a hunting cabin near my home, making him a favorite of my dad and his buddies only adds to how infuriating the existence of this event is to me:

Verizon Wireless Sponsors Anti-Energy Bill, Right Wing Event

It’s like, can Verizon make itself look any more evil?  Align itself any more with the WalMart, phone holster and buckshot crowd? Can the rally attendees be any more the stereotype of themselves?  “God gave us the right to keep and bear arms?”  Seriously?

(Thanks, NewsJunkiePost.)

Update: Ironically, this is post number 1776, according to WordPress’s numbering.

Comments (3)

  1. Hoover

    You can take your shots at Ted Nugent, but Verizon should be applauded by its customers. It stands to be raked over the coals in new taxes if this bill passes, and it would be forced to absorb all of those additional taxes by pushing them on its customers. Verizon is probably less worried about views like yours, and more concerned with the possibility of dealing with irate customers who are steamed over skyrocketing fees.

    Maybe you should be angry with AT&T for not fighting to keep your monthly bill lower.

  2. nickjs1984

    I have trouble taking the side of either AT&T or Verizon, considering a recent study shows that we pay more in the US for mobile services than just about any other country in the world. Non-first world counties were on this list, too, mind you. If AT&T and Verizon both would stop practice like locking phones, charging for minutes for both received and dialed calls and gouging for text messaging, they could still roll in the increased costs of new taxes in support of the climate bill and the consumer would come out with a lower bill.

    I do understand that Verizon’s corporate colors are red for a reason, though…

  3. elizabeth

    It’s not surprising Massey energy was trying show off whatever muscle it has left – i could have sworn i heard about a poll result that the majority of WVian’s wanted mountain top coal removal to stop – but who can resist the nuuge!?!