Listen: “La Roux” by La Roux

Synth-y trash with a funky haircut. Soaring vocal acrobatics in gloss black shell. La Roux’s self-titled album is a glittering example of how to do an 80s throwback sound and image well. It’s not entirely nostalgia, which seems to be a trap fallen into by many a day-glo wearer. But you certainly know where La Roux is drawing her inspiration without question. I’d say it’s more like what the 80s would have been with MacBooks, modern production values and Alexander McQueen pants.

So, what does this somewhat androgynous ginger singer from Britain sound like? Start with “In For The Kill.” Then move on to “Bulletproof.” Shiny, huh? Now you’ve covered the singles. The album gets a little slow in the middle, but is completely fine to listen to while, say, writing a blog post. But, if you’re in a hurry – say reading a review – try “Tigerlily,” which actually transcends the sort of silly name to become a relatively great song with its driving digital beat. And my favorite by far is “Reflections Are Protection,” which is kinda batshit insane and completely delightful. Finally, make sure to stop by “Fascination.”

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