I can’t believe I’m saying this…

…but lately I’ve been really thinking about a vacation from technology. Like, probably not to a cabin in the middle of the woods. I mean, that would basically be like going home. And I probably want electricity and running water. But just no phone. Like, I wouldn’t even take it with me. Certainly no computer. Probably not even any music (unless it was not attached to a device that could do anything but play music.)

I might go into withdrawal. That’s actually the only hang up I’m facing with putting this plan into action. The internet is like a sixth (and probably seventh) sense to me at this point. However, I am so completely saturated with gadgetry in my day to day existence that I crave waking up to only the sounds of the ocean or the rain or the birds. And a very quiet cup of coffee. And maybe even an actual newspaper.

We’ll see how this develops. Maybe I can find some ramshackle cottage in DE to spend a weekend at before summer is over?

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