Daily Archives

2 April 2009

Listen to this: Fantasies by Metric

Metric has created yet another fantastic album. Fantasies joins Old World Underground and Live It Out as releases that I put squarely in the “fucking awesome beyond words” listening category. (If that wasn’t enough, Emily Haines’s side project, Emily Haines & The Soft Skeleton made a jaw droppingly terrific album somewhere in there, too.) Not to mention every other collaboration, band, project and remix she’s been involved with over the years.

So, yeah. Congratulations Emily Haines. I hate you.

I mean, seriously, does she ever just get up with her hair all sticking up on one side of her head and a splitting headache to then roll downstairs, burn her toast and brew the coffee all over the floor because she forgot to put the carafe under the drip? Can’t she just fuck up once? Please, Ms. Haines – the world needs you to forget to put money in the meter. Start small.

All that being said, you really should find a copy of Fantasies if for nothing other than “Help I’m Alive.” And perhaps “Collect Call,” if you can make it that far through the album without realizing how much your youth is being wasted.

Read this review

Dusty and Hoover (and anyone else I rattle on to about cars) will realize how excited the fact that Ford is FINALLY bringing it’s European line to the states has made me. And Jalopnik’s first review of the 2011 Ford Fiesta proves exactly why this is such a great idea: these are fantastic cars that people actually want to own. And they are already being made! It’s like we sat down, said “sales suck” and then did something logical. *phew*

In any case, I’m thrilled – I just wish we didn’t have to make the Fiesta a 2011 model. But whatever. If they can stay afloat for that long, I think Ford’s got some major sales in its future.