Daily Archives

6 March 2013

Where the iPad Goes, Students Follow

“Five years from now when young students come into college, the expectation is going to be a lot different than it is now. They’ll be used to using tablets in middle and high school,” Stoltzfus said. “We have to be the ones that are pushing the limits.”

– Wired (Can the iPad Rescue a Struggling American Education System?)

It’s a valid point, this. Anecdotally, when we do Mobile Media Pilot training sessions in the classroom, there are very few hands left down when we ask if students have used an iPad, iPod touch or iPhone before.  Slightly more when asked about producing video or editing on these devices, but the number is dwindling with each passing semester.  From the Media Commons point of view then, it’s really sink or swim: the students have the skills and experience with tablet computing and it’s not long before they see its absence in their classes (as at least an option) as a real limitation.