Daily Archives

29 February 2012

Caulk the wagon and float it across


Imagine this scene, but much, much darker.

You’d then have an approximation of what I encountered on my way down to Mont Alto in the Fleet car this morning.  As I wound through the dark of 5:30 am, unable to turn on my high beams in the rain owing to a truck in front of me, I accidentally miscalculated where I was and turned about .5 miles too soon for the logging road I’d normally take.  Unperturbed, my GPS merrily plotted a new course on some rather rough tracks past camps, a mere .8 miles extra distance.

Harried and still slightly groggy, I kept trudging along, though I did notice what seemed to be an increased amount of puddles as I made my way.  By the .3 miles to left turn part of my journey, I looked ahead to discover that the road I should have been traveling over was more suited to small watercraft.  As my lane of travel had narrowed to just wider than a Ford, I endeavored to back up away from the deluge, using a chained off driveway a bit up the way I had come as an awkward launching point for a truly spectacular multipoint turn around.

Of course I had to make my way back in the “daylight” to snap a photo to accompany my adventure tale!

Update:  Hannah astutely pointed out that this comic from CaptchArt accurately, well, captures my experience.