Daily Archives

14 September 2011

Worlds Collide

Sometimes interests between work and personal life can come together to give you something truly fascinating to be a part of.  Today’s serendipitous happening took the form of the training I just completed for David Forsman‘s Engineering course at Behrend.


Students in this class are being asked to work jointly with Heather Lum‘s Psychology students on a car advertisement.  The cars are actually designs that have been sketched and pitched by local sixth graders and will be digitally modeled and machined by the engineers before being shot for the ad.  The ads are then being uploaded to YouTube and will be shown during an end of semester race of the model cars on a basketball court-sized track!

I meet with Heather’s students tomorrow morning to offer the same training on digital storytelling, video basics and iMovie and am really looking forward to the results.  It’s not often that I find myself wanting to be a student in the classes I’m training but these are both making me want to re-enroll as such a car design nerd!