MC 101 Wrap Up: Greater Allegheny


I’m now in the homestretch of my MC 101 sessions, rounding out my last week in Pittsburgh with my fourth session at Greater Allegheny.  I arrived at campus early, but still found that the Traina presentation space was already being set up by Gil Loshelder (AV) and Housing & Food Services (catering).  The space was excellent for the kind of event that I’ve been putting on and I think that is going to reflect in the evaluation data.


Ten people attended the overview and the Chancellor, Curtiss Porter stopped in over the lunch hour, bringing the total up to eleven.  Two faculty clients who we have worked with in past semesters were present and the rest of the crowd was staff from across many areas of the campus.  All participants were very interested in discussing the potential of the Media Commons for their departmental projects and the faculty were very curious about the Mobile Media Pilot as a means to shake up their courses for the Fall.

I followed up lunch (which was excellent) with a tour and a bit of hands on time for a few staff members who hadn’t yet seen the MC space.  All three left with a good idea of ways they could take advantage of the editing space for media projects they had been considering for a few months.  

One unexpected and exciting item to come out of today’s session was an offer to have the Media Commons featured as a one page spread in the upcoming GA Alumni magazine.   Really looking forward to working on that when I get back to the office.

Update: Evaluation

Only three of ten participants have submitted feedback, but I wanted to share the data so far and will come back around to update everything if more submission are received.


Two thirds of respondents thought that the Overview of the Media Commons and our resources was Excellent while one third thought it was Good.


All those participants who responded Strongly Agree that the MC 101 event was Interesting to them and two of three Strongly Agree that it was professionally relevant.


All logistical aspects of the event were ranked positively by the three respondents.  Organization, Pacing and Venue received the highest praise while Communications and Refreshments were each marked as Good.

Everyone polled would attend the event again or recommend it to a coworker.  The only anecdotal feedback concerned a more hands-on session being included with MC 101, presumably in the afternoon (which had not gathered enough group interest to merit booking one at this particular campus visit).

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