The World of Tomorrow

We will become advanced enough to put arithmetic, math, science and any other subject into an interesting game.

A student response to how schools will be different in 2015. I guess the limitation is not resource-based but just a matter of evolving our educators’ mental faculties to support such concepts. Of course, nothing tops this hopeful prediction:

You might be able to stay at home and take all classes at home while teachers and other school staff go to school building and have several monitors monitoring each student, checking their work, grading tests, teaching classes through video chat or a handheld smart board.

All kidding aside, it is telling that some students were hoping for improvements as simple as accessible computers that are “fast enough” in their dream of 2015. Or that some students expect that in 4 years, we’ll all be teaching programs like Word or PowerPoint. Having just come from a private Liberal Arts school with an education program that has its undergrads teaching 1st graders how to use WordPress, it’s important to remember that access to technology is in NO way equal.
And that we all want to stay home.

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