Daily Archives

5 January 2011

There arose such a clatter

I found this on my computer this morning:

This is going to sound insane
because it’s 1:18 in the morning
but a motherfucking HELICOPTER just landed on our street
I can’t believe Bennet’s not outside, because it’s next to his house
I seem to be the only person awake to witness this. I don’t know how – the noise is deafening.
There seems to be some sort of massive emergency at the Dentention Center.
We’ve got the helicopter, ambulences, sherrifs vehicles, and a very large and unmarked BUS.
I knew it. This is how the zombie outbreak begins.
I cannot believe what I’m seeing.
They have taken someone OUT of the back of the ambulence
that came from ELSEWHERE
and are putting them in a stretcher on the helicopter
why do this transfer here and not at the hospital where there’s an actual landing pad for a helicopter?
It’s like E.T.
all i can see are the tall shadows of the men in suits
it’s taking off
all the trees are flattening in the wind
it’s swaying back and forth so much
it is SO CLOSE to bennet’s house
it could TOUCH
the men are running back now
it’s so huge up close
it’s rising up above the house top now
still swaying
now it’s going forward
and up
and i can see INTO it
there it goes
into the darkness
just two lights blinking
1:38 AM
I tried to get photos but it was over so fast….
You are going to be SO PISSED if this had to do with aliens!
1:45 AM
Well now I think I’m probably awake for the long haul…..

This is how I prefer to start my days always!