Daily Archives

26 October 2010

Will Wright, Game Developer TV Producer


Will Wright, of SimCity fame, has embarked on his very own augmented reality game (ARG) project called Bar Karma.  Partnering with Current TV, Mr. Wright is asking audience members to submit their own storyboards and scripts via an online community each week.  Winning entries will be turned into the next episode each time, allowing the viewers to take control of the direction of the entire series.

I turned this up on ARGNet while researching for the upcoming MC Tailgate and think it really holds potential for the classroom, too.  Imagine a semester long series of videos created by vote, with teams in the course submitting a storyboard per week to be voted on for each short installment.  When thought of as a “creative writing” exercise, you can see the immediate value so much practice would bring to the development of stronger storytelling skills.