International shipping?

Now, if I’ve registered to win a 2011 Audi A1 (which I have) as a US citizen (which I was able to do) and the car doesn’t go on sale here (as we’ve been told it won’t,) will Audi send one from abroad? Who covers that shipping?

Comments (2)

  1. Ribbu

    What are you talking about? We already have one of these. Except it’s white. And shaped like a space shuttle. And still in the shop.

  2. nickjs1984

    It’s STILL in the shop? Man, that was like two weeks ago, wasn’t it? Are you cruising around in Seiko’s ActionVolvo or the child molester van? I really miss seeing SpaceVan on the streets. 🙁

    When you get it back, I say you add wings and singlehandedly revive NASA’s Shuttle program.