Listen: Science Fiction & New Media

I don’t normally go in for podcasts (sorry, podcasters) but this episode from the smallWORLD has actually been a pretty compelling listen. So far, I’ve only gotten through the Cory Doctorow interview, but I’m definitely looking forward to hearing what Annalee Newitz has to say since I love io9 so very much (and she’s the editor.)

Things get fascinating at around 16:00 for Mr. Doctorow, when he starts talking about e-Readers and then turns completely controversial as he moves in to discussing ownership, customer-war and Apple. Good to hear an author that’s in to the idea of digital distribution being free and open and not entirely terrified of never getting paid again if/when this ecosystem comes about.

Worth your time, most certainly, whether you produce media, support producers of media or just consume the media they produce.

Update: when you hit the 53:00 mark or so, you’ll find J.C. Hutchins talking about trans-media artifacts.  This makes me beyond happy.

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