Blog find today: The Sartorialist

I was browsing about this afternoon, looking at uses of Posterous, a service that had escaped my notice and was luckily pointed out to me by my coworker, Nancy (“gold star for the day,” I told her.) In this state of wide-eyed absorption, I fell on to The Sartorialist, a blog that chronicles what’s being worn on the streets from New York to Cologne to Paris and beyond. It’s like walking through the city, staring at the stylish and beautiful without all the awkward eye contact (or walking.)

As someone that would like to believe himself at least a little fashion-forward and marginally on-trend, it’s refreshing to step out of Corn Field, MD and into the world. Because we all know I’d be this guy if I wouldn’t get dragged into the back of a diesel F-250 for doing it:


Would that I I envy you, random Parisian.

Update: as if hell-bent on proving my point, I found this moments later from the local “newspaper:”

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  1. Kristin

    Oh God, I love the Sartorialist. It’s right up there with Haute Macabre in my list of things I love on the internet.