Monthly Archives

May 2009

To all the Dustys

Who else would appreciate a city’s lights turned into Space Invaders?

“Happy Up Here” by Röyksopp

Listen to this: Violator by Depeche Mode

I was going to review Depeche Mode’s new album, Sounds of the Universe but no. I’d rather profess my love for Violator, the 1990 record that I picked up just last night. I know, I know – not sure how I was living without it.

Honestly, though, Depeche Mode is one of those bands that is like a baseline in 80s electro. You have New Order, The Cure, Joy Division: turn on a good radio station and you are guaranteed to hear one of their fantastic songs. Depeche Mode is certainly amongst friends here and with Sirius in my car, I really don’t have to worry about falling short of my daily quota of their music.

And so I never picked up Violator.

But oh, how I am kicking myself now. The tracklist would make you think it a greatest hits compilation. I’ve never really seen such a productive disc: “World in My Eyes,” “Policy of Truth,” “Enjoy the Silence” and “Personal Jesus.” Not to mention “Blue Dress,” which I just discovered was Depeche Mode by hearing Hungry Lucy’s cover on a mix created for Neil Gaiman by Kristin.

(I have now reviewed an album that was released when I was six.)

90s Video

On my way back from seeing X-Men Origins: Wolverine with Owen and Kristin (don’t see it – it was a last minute idea and probably not such a good film) I heard one of my favorite Depeche Mode songs, “Enjoy the Silence” and it has sent Kate and I down a very new wave rabbit hole. Not that we aren’t always on the edge of one anyway.

A video for you to enjoy:

It seems Depeche Mode pulled this video from YouTube. However, there’s a QuickTime version on their website that looks better anyway.

Who wants to buy me tickets for the Nissan Pavilion show in July?

St. Patsy’s Day

St. Patsy's Day

To celebrate the passing of Joanna Lumley’s 63rd birthday – a holiday that shall henceforth be known as St. Patsy’s Day, and fall on the closest Friday to Ms. Lumley’s actual birthday – I created this composite image. It builds upon an actual Daily Mail article’s headline and depicts what it might have been like if Patsy had gone to the Arctic instead. Which is how I read it in my mind, anyway.

Visit my Portfolio’s personal art gallery to download the 1280 x 800 version (Macbook-sized!)

Happy birthday, Patsy

It is Joanna Lumley’s 63rd birthday. (63!) Be sure to pay a visit to your neighborhood liquor store, offie (it looks like I meant to type “office” here – that works, too,) LCBO or – for the prepared – kitchen. I know that she wants us all to have at least one bottle of champagne in her honor.