Daily Archives

7 May 2009

Listen to this: Violator by Depeche Mode

I was going to review Depeche Mode’s new album, Sounds of the Universe but no. I’d rather profess my love for Violator, the 1990 record that I picked up just last night. I know, I know – not sure how I was living without it.

Honestly, though, Depeche Mode is one of those bands that is like a baseline in 80s electro. You have New Order, The Cure, Joy Division: turn on a good radio station and you are guaranteed to hear one of their fantastic songs. Depeche Mode is certainly amongst friends here and with Sirius in my car, I really don’t have to worry about falling short of my daily quota of their music.

And so I never picked up Violator.

But oh, how I am kicking myself now. The tracklist would make you think it a greatest hits compilation. I’ve never really seen such a productive disc: “World in My Eyes,” “Policy of Truth,” “Enjoy the Silence” and “Personal Jesus.” Not to mention “Blue Dress,” which I just discovered was Depeche Mode by hearing Hungry Lucy’s cover on a mix created for Neil Gaiman by Kristin.

(I have now reviewed an album that was released when I was six.)