Daily Archives

22 March 2009

Divine language dictionary

Another Sunday evening and The Fifth Element is on TBS again. I’d have never guessed, back in 1998 while watching this on HBO (since no one would take me to see it in the theatre) that this movie would become such a mainstay on the TV films circuit.

I’m not complaining of course. This is always a treat to see. Milla Jovovich, Jean-Paul Gaultier, the future – what’s not to love?

I realized that Luc Besson and Milla Jovovich had developed a “Divine Language” for Leelo to speak in the film but I just learned tonight that there’s been an effort to expand and write down this fictitious language. Behold:

The Divine Language (on Blogger)

They are even working on other translations for the dictionary based on languages other than English. It’s like frakkin’ Tolkein shit up in here. Some people are so very motivated by the weirdest things.

I’m glad that they are.