I really don’t know what to write about…

I’ve been going over and over in my head this morning several different topics for posts here on ARoB. I haven’t posted anything of substance in awhile and I really want something good. “Think, Nick, think…a list? A link? A video?” What can I say that I haven’t said before? That isn’t boring as all hell? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just ramble at you.

I’m reading House of Leaves because I “borrowed” Kate’s copy on my way out the door the other day. So far, I’m five chapters in and scared out of my mind. Like, to the point where I don’t even really want the book on my nightstand tonight. Is that odd of me? I certainly know that I’ve never felt so off because of a book. Perhaps it’s that the book is so very like my own head…especially the feeling of disconnected observation? More alarmingly, I am accustomed to feeling as though a great, dark thing is always in the periphery of my world. Could that be a Roman Catholic upbringing of pessimism brought into the form of arms and legs? Maybe I’m just the house on Ash Tree Lane…more things on the inside than could ever be expected from the outside?

Or maybe it’s just really close to Halloween and I’ve not been getting enough sleep?

In any case, I tossed and turned last night, not really petrified of anything of substance, just uncomfortable in my thoughts of the uncanny. Remarkably like our narrator in The House of Leaves.

I think I miss Philadelphia. I certainly miss feeling like I am somewhere even when I’m not doing anything. I don’t however, miss living out of a suitcase and I’m greatly looking forward to a weekend of sleeping in and not having to be anywhere at all. Just wake up next to my girlfriend, realize it’s Saturday and go back to sleep…that’s my goal. Maybe we can get a walk in since it’s FINALLY going to be true fall weather here? I shall not dream too big, of course.

Things I need to do to feel at ease:

  • get groceries
  • do my laundry
  • clean my car
  • clean my apartment
  • call home
  • pay my credit card

They are all doable, right? Well, maybe not so much the last one, but I’m going to try at all the rest.

One last thing: Hoover Baiting

Comments (4)

  1. Hoover

    I knew I shouldn’t click on the link when I saw it would direct me to an article by Deepak Chopra. He doesn’t say anything that enlightening. And I don’t understand how the religious right is overstepping its bounds. No new laws or limitations have been placed on members of other categories. Have you been denied something today that you haven’t been denied in the past 100 years? If anything, conservative lawmakers uphold what’s been in place.

    As for the wiretapping and “national security” segment, do you really care if the government is snooping around on the streets? Yes, it sounds shady and government involvement is not always a positive, but why do I care? I have nothing to hide. I would prefer that the government take the preventative measures to catch a “baddie.” And yes, you’ll say, “Hoover, you’ve been brainwashed into thinking the big, bad terrorists are here and after you.” Like I just said, I have nothing to hide, and I hope you can feel the same way. If you do get in trouble, you probably deserved it.

    And we’re not entirely overrun with conservative lawmakers right now. Do you remember that we currently have a Democratic Congress? And that they’re approval rating is lower than the president’s?

    I can still vote for the lawmaker of my choice, despite how much money they raise. I think this still constitutes a democracy.

    Alright, I don’t feel like elaborating anymore.

  2. Hoover

    Ironically, I just wrote that response while wearing a NASCAR t-shirt and a baseball cap. What have I turned into?