Daily Archives

22 September 2007

An interesting weekend…

Update: The Flickr photo set has been updated to include some photos taken by the WAC staff.

Well, Nancy, Brian and I (the OIT team) successfully completed our cardboard boat. Not only that, we successfully raced it around the course laid out for the regatta AND got second place – or the Captain Cook award. That means we scored a $150 prize for the hours of work that went into our “iFloat.” I have to say, I’m completely gobsmacked by the performance of our little ship. It’s amazing that she stayed together, for starters and even more astounding that we were able to beat the ATHLETICS DEPARTMENT to take our spot in the top three.

More photos as soon as someone with a camera at the event gives me a few of them. For now, I will leave you with a four photo, random set on Flickr. Two photos are from boat building: one of Brian using the life-saving, if slightly spray-tarded, adhesive and one of the mysterious sailing vessel that arrived on Friday at sunset. Two photos were just kind of on my iPhone and depict a rose bush that I salvaged in June from the debris behind my apartment building. It’s alive! PHOTOS HERE!