An update for the curious (or: a curious update)

Last night was unmitigated fun, I must say. Shannon randomly emailed me while Kate and I were taking in a talk about Antartic adventure over lunch. The reason: she had decided that she wanted to make a spontaneous dinner and I was invited. “Hooray!” I thought at the promise of delicious organic food. So, joined by Kate, I made my way ALL THE WAY over to Shannon’s apartment (half a block, across the street.) There, I was greeted by Shane playing door man and the largest step up into a kitchen I’ve ever witnessed. And, also, the delicious smells of vegetarian masala and falafel. Adding a few bottles of wine (read: three) and lively discussion centering around The Game served to make for a dimly-lit, enjoyable evening. The fierce heat of an attic after thought flat wasn’t even enough to slow the laughs.

Work kicked my ass today, but I suppose that will happen when you go in early and have a three hour meeting. I left feeling productive but drained half an hour after “quittin’ time.” Now I’m fully ready for a weekend of in sleeping and vineyard planting.

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