Daily Archives

12 February 2007

Remind me to fucking stab Steve Jobs…

My hard drive is seriously making me insane. All I’m trying to do is get everything into one nice, tidy image before I get my new drive and toss this corrupted, corroded, crap-tastic pile of platters into the trash. However, it’s not going into the night without a struggle. Tonight’s battleground: iTunes. Apparently, random tracks are going to be corrupted one by one and I’ll only know which are junk as my iPod tries to absorb them during autosync. So far, “High Times” by Jamiroquai, “Dividing Island” by Lansing Dreiden and “Rexall” by Dave Navarro have fallen victim to its evil ways. Nothing quite like reimporting a whole album just for one track, eh?

*gah* Further compounding this annoyance is the fact that I accidentally ordered the wrong drive (ATA-6 vs. SATA) and will have to wait until at least Tuesday before I can swap it out. What else will go wrong?

Update: Now my fucking iPod is acting like it can’t start up and will only work properly when connected to the computer. UGH!