Comments (15)

  1. Sonya

    oh, me! me! me!
    i just got jenga from my grandma. because i thought there was some twisted drinking game that could be played along with it.
    i’ve been dying to try it out!

    while i don’t have funny t-shirts, there are probably some hideous polyester numbers that i can layer up.

    let me know the details!
    also, if you’re looking for a host…

    (did i mention that my gram threw in a deck of chip n dales?)

  2. Nick (Bourgeois)

    Oh man…I think this is a fantastic idea that has now gotten better. I’m assuming you mean Chippendales Dancers and not Disney’s lovable Chip ‘n Dale?

    Either way…

  3. Sonya

    “either way”

    i was in fact referring to hideous, hairy chested men sucking on high heels…

  4. Sonya

    oh, i guess it’s supposed to be hornifying… a man with a high heel in his mouth.

    you’ll have to see for yourself

  5. Nick (Bourgeois)

    This is quickly turning into the post that ate ARoB!

    I would like to still have it when I’m home on the 15th, though it won’t be the same without Lindsie’s retardedness. Alas…

    Any other ideas for the party?