Two weeks later…

Well, it only took her a full two weeks to get acquainted and comfortable, but world, I give you Lola!

Looking totally perplexed here. This was about two days before she decided that my hand was her friend.

She really, really doesn’t get the concept of this ball. Size reference: think of a basketball.

Yeah, so once we got over the hurdles of my hand being near her, then we were ready to overcome the association between my hand and my head. Now that she has a tentative grasp on the idea that both of these items are part of the same person, things are moving along rather rapidly. She’s been out of her cage twice and seems sort of excited at the prospect now. Lola pretty much just claws at her ball every time she’s in it because she doesn’t know that she needs to push on it in order to move. That may take a few more evenings. All in all, though, we’ve come a long way from cowering in the corner and crying herself to sleep.

Comments (3)

  1. Nick

    Uh, actually I play a pretty mean game of PIG in my driveway. Or, usually, PIG until I am losing and then it becomes HORSE and then HIPPOPOTAMUS.