On chinchillas…

Well, nearly one whole week of pet ownership has gone by and I can say this right now: chinchillas are strange pets. That being said, here’s a compendium of chinchilla facts that I have put together through my extensive experience.

  1. Chinchillas are extremely soft. They say this on websites and in informational guides, but until you touch one, you have no idea. None.
  2. These are ridiculously sensitive animals. Where a hamster can be scooped up and placed in any cage, anywhere (just so long as it can continue pooping everywhere) a chinchilla needs time to adjust. Like, my guess right now would be a week.
  3. Her daily activities, thus far, consist of hiding, running in fright, chirping out sounds of alarm, staring and pooping.
  4. Chinchillas are not particularly cuddly when they are terrified that you are going to eat them. They don’t want to sit on your shoulder or curl up in your lap, no matter how many videos you’ve seen of it on the internets.

That’s all the material I have on the still-nameless chinchilla residing in my living room. I’ll probably spend this evening like the last few, lying on the floor, chirping with her for slightly less than an hour.

Comments (7)

  1. Administrator

    “Well I’m not the world’s most masculine man
    But I know what I am and I’m glad I’m a man
    And so is lola
    Lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola
    Lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola lo-lo-lo-lo lola”