Wired93: part the second

Wherein we discuss pages 20 – 31.

  • a letter to the editor from Eric Kettunen (posted on America Online) discussing how wired his family home is with a 486 PC, a Mac, two phone lines and a 9600 baud modem
  • an ad for Dysan brand floppy diskettes – 5.25″ and 3.5″
  • a Tired/Wired inset featuring Schwarzenegger/Mystery Science Theater 3000 (still accurate)
  • the launch of a proliferation of cable channels including “Television Food Network”
  • interview with James Parry, who seems to have been a precursor to the likes of 4chan while operating his Kibo personality (which is still going strong)
  • DCC – Digital Compact Cassette – from Philips:  I had no idea what this was, either
  • Digital Queers:  “We’re here, we’re queer and we have E-mail.”

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