Daily Archives

23 October 2005

Weekend: Done.

Well, for one of the most trying weekends of my recent existence, I would say that things went pretty well. Morgan’s wedding was exquisite. The colours and decorations were impeccable and the food fucking rocked out. Baked brie and catfish all in one place? Yes. While the photographer was a spaz and quite a bit of the interaction was awkward, I think it all went off very well. I’m glad, because Morgan deserved it…and would have caught fire if anything had gone awry.

I’m also glad it’s over. And, in three hours, this day will be over, too. Au revoir, October 23rd.

Some things that kinda suck:

1.) Being ditched by people who are supposed to care.
2.) Being ditched by email.
3.) Not knowing why you’ve been ditched in the first place.

I need to stay positive, though. So, here’s a list of things that are pretty cool:

1.) Being remembered when you need to be.
2.) Getting flowers from someone special, as a surprise.
3.) Having a visitor at work, also as a surprise.
4.) Finishing a project from nothing in a single day.
5.) Great friends like Morgan & Bob…and ducks.
6.) RJD2. Thanks, Angelar. I forgot I had it on my iMac!